Bushcare is a great way to meet neighbours, learn bush skills and care for wildlife habitat in your backyard!
Fern Tree Bushcare Group is one of 14 groups in the Hobart area who look after the native bushland around the city and on kunanyi / Mt Wellington. We are supported by Hobart City Council who provide a vehicle and supervisor, with all tools and safety equipment. We meet on the second Sunday of each month from February to November at 10:00am to 12:30pm. Everyone is welcome. Our meeting place varies - contact us for details.
Email Bushcare@hobartcity.com.au or bushcare@ferntree.tas.au
Please wear sturdy shoes, long trousers, long sleeves and a hat. All tools and gloves are provided (also cups, biscuits etc!) We work on escaped garden plants which invade the native bush. Particularly bad in Fern Tree is holly, along with red hot poker, cherry laurel, cotoneaster, blackberry, sycamore, foxglove, broom, karamu and orange hawkweed.
You can download The Fern Tree Weed Booklet which lists most of the weeds that occur in this area. We printed a leaflet specifically about holly, a Declared weed. We especially encourage and assist landowners to control hollies, small and large. Download holly leaflet.
We hope to see you!